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warehousing paradigms are built on the technologies that we study in the
first part of the chapter.
13.1 MapReduce and Hadoop
MapReduce is a processing framework originally developed by Google to
perform web search on a very large number of commodity machines.
MapReduce can be implemented in many languages over many data formats.
It works on the concept of divide and conquer, breaking a task into smaller
chunks and processing them in parallel over a collection of identical machines
(a cluster). Data in each processor are typically stored in the file system,
although data in database management systems (DBMSs) are supported
by several extensions, like HadoopDB. A MapReduce program consists of
two phases, namely, Map and Reduce, which run in parallel in clustered
commodity servers as we will see below.
Among the many MapReduce implementations, the most popular one is
Hadoop , an open-source framework written in Java. It has the capability
to handle structured, unstructured, or semistructured data using commodity
hardware, dividing a task into parallel chunks of jobs and data. Hadoop
runs on its distributed file system (HDFS) but can also read and write
other file systems. Hadoop uses blocks (typically of 128MB) to store files
on the file system. One block of Hadoop may consist of many blocks of the
underlying operating system. Moreover, blocks can be replicated in several
different nodes. For example, block1 canbestoredin node1 and node3 , block2
in node2 and node4 , and so on. There are two main pieces of software that
handle MapReduce jobs:
￿ The job tracker receives all the jobs from clients, schedules the Map
and Reduce tasks to appropriate task trackers, monitors failing tasks, and
reschedules them to different task tracker nodes. One job tracker exists in
each Hadoop cluster.
￿ The task trackers are the modules that execute the job. There are many
task trackers in a Hadoop cluster to manage parallelism in Map and Reduce
tasks. They continuously send messages to the job tracker to let the latter
know that they are alive and asking for a task.
The process and elements involved in a MapReduce job can be succinctly
described as follows:
￿ The MapReduce program tells a job client to run a MapReduce job. The
job client sends a message to a job tracker and gets an ID for the job.
￿ The job client copies the job resources (e.g., a .jar file) to the shared file
system, usually HDFS.
￿ The job client sends a request to the job tracker to start the job. The job
tracker computes the ways of splitting the data so that it can send each
chunk of job to a different mapper process to maximize throughput.
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