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(g) For each city, give the store closest to the city center and its best-
sold brand name.
(h) Give the spatial union of all the cities that have more than one
store with a surface of more than 10,000 square feet.
(i) Give the spatial union of the states such that the average of the
total sales by customer in 1997 is greater than $60 per month.
(j) Give the spatial union of all the cities where all customers have
purchased for more than $100.
(k) Display the spatial union of the cities whose sales count accounts
for more than 5% of all the sales.
11.2 Consider the GeoFoodmart data warehouse, whose relational schema
is given in Fig. 11.20 . Write in SQL the queries stated in the previous
11.3 Add spatial data to the data warehouse schema you created as a
solution of Ex. 5.9 for the AirCarrier application. You must analyze
the dimensions, facts, and measures and define which of them can
be extended with spatial features. You should also consider adding
continuous field data representing altitude so you can enhance the
analysis trying to find a correlation between the results and the
elevation of the geographic sites.
11.4 Consider the logical schema obtained as a solution of Ex. 11.3 .Usingthe
reverse engineering technique you prefer, produce a multidimensional
schema from it.
11.5 Write in MDX the following queries over the schema of the cube
obtained in Ex. 11.4 :
(a) For each carrier and year, give the number of scheduled and
performed flights.
(b) For each airport, give the number of scheduled and performed flights
in the last 2 years.
(c) For each carrier and distance group, give the total number of seats
sold in 2012 per carrier.
(d) Give the total number of persons arriving to or departing from
airports closer than 15km from the city center in 2012.
(e) Give by year the ratio between flights in airports closer than 15km
from the city center and flights in airports located between 15 and
40km from the city center.
(f) Display the spatial union of all airports with more than 5,000
departures in 2012.
(g) Display the spatial union of all airports where more than 100
carriers operate.
(h) For cities operated by more than one airport, give the total number
of arriving and departing passengers.
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