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How does the design of a data warehouse differ from the design of a
data mart?
10.3 Discuss the various phases in data warehouse design, emphasizing the
objective of each phase.
10.4 Summarize the main characteristics of the analysis-driven, source-
driven, and analysis/source-driven approaches for requirements spec-
ification. How do they differ from each other? What are their
respective advantages and disadvantages? Identify in which situations
one approach would be preferred over the others.
10.5 Using an application domain that you are familiar with, illustrate
the various steps in the analysis-driven approach for requirements
specification. Identify at least two different users, each one with a
particular analysis goal.
10.6 Using the application domain of Question 10.5 , illustrate the various
steps in the source-driven approach for requirements specification.
Define an excerpt of an ER schema from which some multidimensional
elements can be derived.
10.7 Compare the steps for conceptual design in the analysis-driven, source-
driven, and analysis/source-driven approaches.
10.8 Develop a conceptual multidimensional schema for the application
domain of Question 10.5 using among the three approaches the one
that you know best.
10.9 Illustrate the different aspects of the logical design phase by trans-
lating the conceptual schema developed in Question 10.8 into the
relational model.
10.10 Describe several aspects that are important to consider in the physical
design phase of data warehouses.
10.11 Exercises
10.1 Consider the train application described in Ex. 3.2 . Using the analysis-
driven approach, write the requirements specifications that would result
in the MultiDim schema obtained in Ex. 4.3 .
10.2 Consider the French horse race application described in Ex. 2.1 .Using
the source-driven approach, write the requirements specifications in
order to produce the MultiDim schema obtained in Ex. 4.5 .
10.3 Consider the Formula One application described in Ex. 2.2 .Usingthe
analysis/source-driven approach, write the requirements specifications
in order to produce the MultiDim schema obtained in Ex. 4.7 .
10.4 The ranking of universities has become an important factor in estab-
lishing the reputation of a university at the international level. Our
university wants to determine what actions it should take to improve
its position in the rankings. To simplify the discussion, we consider only
the ranking by The Times . The evaluation criteria in this ranking refer
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