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Returning back to the first exclusive gateway, if the Region attribute is not
null, we add a new column State initialized with the values of column Region
and we make the union of these records with ones having a value of State
different from null obtained in the first lookup.
Then, in a similar way as the task that loads the City table, five lookup
tasks are needed, where each one tries to match a couple of values of State
and Country to values in the lookup table built as a join between the City ,
State ,and Country tables as follows:
SELECT C.CityKey, C.CityName, S.StateName, S.EnglishStateName,
S.StateCode, T.CountryName, T.CountryCode
FROM City C JOIN State S ON C.StateKey = S.StateKey
JOIN Country T ON S.CountryKey = T.CountryKey
Two additional cases are needed with respect to the City Load task:
￿ The fourth lookup process records where State and Country correspond,
respectively, to StateCode and CountryName . An example is state BC and
country Canada .
￿ The fifth lookup process records where State and Country correspond,
respectively, to StateCode and CountryCode . An example is state AK and
country USA .
Finally, we perform the union of all flows, add the column CustomerKey for
the surrogate key initialized to null, and write to the target table by means
of an insert data task. We omit the description of the ETL process that loads
the Supplier table since it is similar to the one that loads the Customer table
just described.
Fig. 8.24 Load of the Territories bridge table
Figure 8.24 depicts the process for loading the Territories bridge table. The
input table is the following SQL query:
SELECT E.*, TerritoryDescription
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