Database Reference
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Fig. 8.20 Load of the Time dimension table
Fig. 8.21 Load of the tables for the State Country Continent hierarchy. ( a )
Associated control task. ( b ) Load of the Continent table. ( c ) Load of the Country
￿ The second lookup process records where State and Country correspond,
respectively, to EnglishStateName and CountryName . An example is state
Lower Saxony , whose German name is Niedersachsen , together with country
Germany .
￿ Finally, the third lookup process records where State and Country corre-
spond, respectively, to StateName and CountryCode . An example is state
Florida and country USA .
The SQL query associated with these lookups is as follows:
SELECT S.*, CountryName, CountryCode
FROM State S JOIN Country C ON S.CountryKey = C.CountryKey
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