Database Reference
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5.2 Discuss the mapping rules for translating a MultiDim schema into a
relational schema. Are these rules similar to those used for translating
an ER schema into a relational schema?
5.3 Explain how a balanced hierarchy can be mapped into either normalized
or denormalized tables. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
these alternative mappings.
5.4 How do you transform at the logical level an unbalanced hierarchy into
a balanced one?
5.5 Describe different approaches for representing generalized hierarchies
at the logical level.
5.6 Is it possible to distinguish between generalized, alternative, and
parallel dependent hierarchies at the logical level?
5.7 Explain how a nonstrict hierarchy can be represented in the relational
5.8 Analyze and discuss the pros and cons of the alternatives for represent-
ing slowly changing dimensions.
5.9 Define the kinds of SQL/OLAP window functions: partitioning, window
ordering, and window framing. Write, in English, queries of each class
over the Northwind data warehouse.
5.10 Identify the kind of hierarchies that can be directly represented in
Analysis Services.
5.11 Identify the kind of hierarchies that can be directly represented in
5.12 Discuss how snowflake schemas are represented in Analysis Services
and in Mondrian.
5.14 Exercises
5.1 Consider the data warehouse of a telephone provider given in Ex. 3.1 .
Draw a star schema diagram for the data warehouse.
5.2 For the star schema obtained in the previous exercise, write in SQL the
queries given in Ex. 3.1 .
5.3 Consider the data warehouse of the train application given in Ex. 3.2 .
Draw a snowflake schema diagram for the data warehouse with
hierarchies for the train and station dimensions.
5.4 For the snowflake schema obtained in the previous exercise, write in
SQL the queries given in Ex. 3.2 .
5.5 Consider the university data warehouse described in Ex. 3.3 .Drawa
constellation schema for the data warehouse taking into account the
different granularities of the time dimension.
5.6 For the constellation schema obtained in the previous exercise, write in
SQL the queries given in Ex. 3.3 .
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