Database Reference
In-Depth Information
23 < CalculatedMemberProperty name= ' FORMAT STRING '
24 value= ' $#,##0.00 ' / >
25 < /CalculatedMember >
26 < /Cube >
As can be seen, a measure is defined within a measure group using a
Measure element (lines 5 and 6). Each measure has a name and an aggregator ,
describing how to roll up values. The available aggregators are those provided
in SQL, that is, SUM , MIN , MAX , AVG , COUNT ,and DISTINCT COUNT .A
column attribute defines the values to be aggregated. This is required for all
aggregators except COUNT .A COUNT aggregator without a column, as for
the Sales Count measure in line 9, counts rows.
Mondrian supports calculated measures , which are calculated from
other measures using an MDX formula. An example is shown for the measure
Net Amount (lines 20-24). The dimensions are linked to the measures through
the ForeignKeyLink element or, in the case of a fact dimension, through the
FactLink element (lines 10-17).
Figure 5.33 shows an example of browsing the Northwind cube in Saiku,
an open-source analytics client. In the figure, the countries of customers and
the categories of products are displayed on rows, the years are displayed on
columns, and the sales amount measure is displayed on cells. Saiku also allows
the user to write MDX queries directly on an editor.
Fig. 5.33 Browsing the Northwind cube in Saiku
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