Database Reference
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(p) Sales profit by month and percentage profit growth with respect to
the previous month.
(q) For every month in 1997, unit sales and unit sales difference with
respect to the opening month of the quarter.
(r) Monthly year-to-date sales by product subcategory in 1997.
(s) Unit sales by product subcategory, customer state, and quarter.
(t) Sales profit in 1997 by store type and store city, for cities whose unit
sales in 1997 exceeded 25,000.
(u) Sales profit in 1997 by store type and store city, for cities whose
profit percentage in 1997 is less than the one of their state.
(v) All measures for store cities between Beverly Hills and Spokane (in
the USA) sorted by name regardless of the hierarchy.
(w) All measures for store cities sorted by descending order of sales count
regardless of the hierarchy.
(x) All measures for the top-five store cities based on sales count.
(y) All measures for the top-five store cities based on sales count and
all measures for all the other cities combined.
(z) Store cities whose sales count accounts for 50% of the overall sales
(aa) For store cities whose sales count accounts for 50% of the overall
sales count, unit sales by store type.
(bb) Unit sales and number of customers by product subcategory.
(cc) Number of customers and number of female customers by store.
(dd) For each product subcategory, maximum monthly unit sales in 1997
and the month when that occurred.
(ee) For 1997 and by brand, total unit sales, monthly average of unit
sales, and number of months involved in the computation of the
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