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d ¼ o1-o2;
d2 ¼ sum(d.*d);
e ¼ e þ qo*qo/sqrt(d2);
%o1 is fixed so no corresponding term for fslow
%o2 is fixed so no corresponding term for fslow
f ¼ f þ fslow;
%%%%%%%%%%end of function%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function r ¼ dynlang1(n,gamma,Temp,h,m);
%r ¼ dynlang1(n,gamma,Temp,h,m);
% Langevin dynamics random forces, modified for two
fixed atoms
% n number of degrees of freedom
% gamma Langevin friction parameter
% Temp target temperature for Langevin dynamics
% h timestep
% r random force vector
%Eric Barth
%Kalamazoo College, 2007
n ¼ n-4;
m ¼ m([3:6,9:12]);
kB ¼ 1.987191e-03;
r ¼ randn(n,1);
r ¼ r*sqrt(2*gamma*kB*Temp/h);
r ¼ sqrt(m).*r;
r ¼ [0;0;r(1:4);0;0;r(5:8)];
%%%%%%%%%%end of function%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Matlab script to compute dipole angle ''theta'' from
%trajectory of positions ''x''
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