Chemistry Reference
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Figure 9 Configuration for the four fastest paths of an isomerization process for a
two-dimensional Lennard-Jones system obtained using the discrete path sampling
method. (Adapted from Wales. 87 )
each stationary point of the potential energy surface. Overall phenomenologi-
cal rate constants can be extracted using master equations, kinetic Monte
Carlo or graph transformations, and transition-state theory. The algorithm
has been applied to a small pentapeptide 83 and to the GB1 hairpin. 84 Reliance
on statistical rate theory is one of the drawbacks of this methodology. A satis-
factory sampling on stationary points of the potential energy for more com-
plex systems can be difficult as well.
In the string method, 90-94 which is based on the transition path theory
(TPT), 95,96 a ''transition tube'' in configuration space is constructed by sam-
pling the equilibrium distribution of the system in a collection of hyperplanes.
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