Agriculture Reference
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avoid mixing chickens of different ages; do not raise turkeys with chickens; keep pastures
clipped or grazed and limed.
Alternative treatments —give a laxative diet consisting of mash of pumpkin seeds and
milk, and after a twelve-hour fast, follow with a warm mash of bran, middlings, and milk; feed
finely chopped onions, garlic, carrot, parsley, pumpkin seeds, carrots seeds, or fennel seeds; try
the following herbs: elder leaves, wormwood, wormseed, cotton-lavender, rue, hyssop, cay-
enne, senna, male fern, castor oil, wild ginger, snakeroot, goosefoot, conifer needles, fennel
seeds, or pyrethrum all preceded by a fast and followed by a laxative period.
Homeopathic treatments —if worms in the nostrils or ears give Cina; if affected birds lose
weight, ruffled feathers, rapid breathing give Aconite, Santonite, or Tucrum merver; if a head
remedy is needed give China.
Pasted Vent
Also called —cloacitis, vent gleet.
Incidence —common in chicks.
System/organ affected —vent, cloaca.
Agent —unknown. May be due to improper consistency of droppings caused by rations or
chilling; may also be due to unsanitary practices at hatchery.
Progression —chronic.
Symptoms —in chicks up to ten days old: droopiness, droppings sticking to vent; in hens:
offensive odor from droppings sticking to vent feathers.
Percentage affected —usually limited.
Mortality —possible if vent gets sealed shut.
Transmission —does not spread from bird to bird.
Prevention —keep chicks warm; do not hatch chicks from affected hens.
Alternative treatments —carefully remove dropping from vent with warm water; give
apple cider vinegar or bicarbonate of soda in drinking water (1 tsp./quart); apply weak iodine
solution to vent; give a laxative diet followed by garlic.
Homeopathic treatments —give Ipecauncha with Camomilla or Carbo veg.; if discharge is
bloody and white give Merc. sub Cor. or Ars. Iod.
Also called —cannibalism.
Incidence —common in high-strung breeds or those in close confinement.
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