Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Internet resources for organic health care available from the UK and India. My compendium re-
flects what organic farmers face when treating health problems with alternative medicine; they
must piece together information, experiment, and then share their experience with other farm-
ers. The following are ailments a producer might run into in a free-range flock of any type of
poultry. The diagnostic information is from Damerow, and the remedy information is from my
organic-remedies compendium.
Infectious Coryza
Also called —cold, contagious catarrh, coryza, hemophilus infection, infectious catarrh, IC,
Incidence —common.
System/organ affected —respiratory.
Agent Haemophilus paragallinarum bacteria.
Incubation period —one to three days.
Progression —acute and spreads rapidly, or chronic and spreads slowly.
Symptoms —in chicks at least four weeks old: depression, nasal discharge, facial swelling,
one or both eyes closed, death; in growing and mature birds: watery eyes with eyelids stuck to-
gether, reddish foul-smelling discharge from nose, drop in feed and water consumption, drop in
egg production, swollen face, eyes, and sinuses; sometimes diarrhea, rales, or wheezing.
Percentage affected —high.
Mortality —low, except in turkeys.
Transmission —contagious; contact with infected carrier birds and their nasal or respirat-
ory discharges in dust, drinking water, or feed.
Prevention —avoid combining birds from different flocks and of different age groups; re-
move infected birds; disinfect and leave housing vacant for three weeks before bringing in new
Alternative treatments —spray a mist of camphor over birds at night or place camphor oil
in nostrils (do not use if treating with homeopathy); give inhalations of eucalyptus oil in boiling
water in house at night; fast for one day then give laxative diet of cod-liver oil, chopped onions,
and greens; give strong sage or eyebright tea; feed plenty of garlic and bran with molasses.
Homeopathic treatments —Do not use in combination with camphor treatments; homeo-
pathic remedies for coryza are very symptom specific; the most commonly use remedies in-
clude Allium Cepa, Aresenicum Alb and Euphrashia for watery discharges; Mercurius Vivus,
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