Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
ers, however, see them as a bare minimum and a jumping-off place to develop new (or even re-
discovering old) and better ranging systems while preserving the health of the birds and the
quality of the environment.
Table 1. Suggested Indoor Stocking Densities Based on Weight
Fixed housing
Broilers & ducks
21 kg/sq. m (4.28 lbs./sq. ft.)
Turkeys & geese
21kg/ sq. m (4.28 lbs./sq. ft.)
Mobile housing
Broilers & ducks 30 kg/sq. m (6.11 lbs./sq. ft.)
Source: “Organic Poultry Production,” Soil Association Questions and Answers, Soil Association Producer Services (Bris-
tol, UK, 2003), 10.
Table 2. Maximum Outdoor Stocking Rates—Birds per Acre
Layers Broilers Turkeys Ducks Geese Guineas
2,470 6,175 1,976 4,940 1,482 6,175
Source: “Organic Poultry Production,” Soil Association Questions and Answers, Soil Association Producer Services (Bris-
tol, UK, 2003), 4.
Table 3. Space Requirements for Housing
Broiler chickens
Chicks to 4 wks. 1 sq. ft./bird
Over 4 wks. 0.36 sq. ft./lb (2.78 lbs./sq. ft.)
Layer chickens
Chicks to 16 wks. 0.35 sq. ft./bird
Over 16 wks. 2.5 sq. ft./bird, 1,000 birds/acre
Ducks and small game birds
Floor space 0.36 sq. ft/lb. (2.78 lbs./sq. ft.)
Combined floor/outdoor 40 sq. ft./bird over 10 wks.
Turkeys, geese, and large game birds
Floor space Apr.-Dec. 4 sq. ft./bird
December-April 0.36 sq. ft./lb.
Outdoor space 80 sq. ft./bird over 10 wks.
Source: “The Organic Production Standards of British Columbia,” sections 9.3.2-9.3.4.
A survey I conducted in 2002 (SARE Project FNE02-412) of over forty organic poultry
producers in the Northeast found small farms using a variety of the above systems to raise birds
within their own diversified farming approach. 2 Every respondent with flocks between 25 and
500 birds provided them with outdoor access. Most provided managed, rotated pasture while a
few of the small flocks were given only yards. These producers typically used separate summer
housing on pasture and winter housing in barns or greenhouses with access to a yard in all but
the most inclement weather. Birds were given ample floor space in both types of housing with
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