Information Technology Reference
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11. Mitchell, J.S.B.: Geometric shortest paths and network optimization. In: Sack,
J.R., Urrutia, J. (eds.) Handbook of Computational Geometry, pp. 633-701. Else-
vier Science B. V. (2000)
12. Sharir, M., Schorr, A.: On shortest paths in polyhedral spaces. SIAM Journal on
Computing 15 (1), 193-215 (1986)
13. Stoer, J., Bulirsch, R.: Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 3rd edn. Springer,
New York (2002)
14. Toussaint, G.T.: Computing geodesic properties inside a simple polygon. Revue
D'Intelligence Artificielle 3 , 9-42 (1989)
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