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This time Groovy does not interpret $ test in line 6 as an expression because there is an empty
space between $ and test , and it renders the output as follows:
Hello vishal
path= c:/groovy
dollar = $ test
path = c:/groovy
With a dollar slashy string, you are no longer required to escape the slash with a preceding
backslash (multiline slashy strings require the slash to be escaped), and you can use $$ to escape a
$ or use $/ to escape a slash if needed, as illustrated in Listing B-16.
Listing B-16. Using Dollar Slashy String
1. def name = "vishal"
2. def path= "c:/groovy"
3. def dollarSlashy = $/
4. Hello $name
5. path = $path
6. dollar = $$test
7. path = c:/groovy
8. /$
9. println dollarSlashy
Hello vishal
path= c:/groovy
dollar = $test
path = c:/groovy
Let's take a look at Listing B-16 in more detail.
dollarSlashy string that includes up to line 8.
Line 3 defines a
test , which has caused a MissingPropertyException in the case
of the multiline slashy string in Listing B-14, which you now escape using a $ .
Line 6 has a $
Collective Datatypes
Groovy supports a number of different collections, including arrays, lists, maps, ranges, and sets.
Let's look at how to create and use each of the collection types.
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