Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 8-9 illustrates the default Play 2 welcome page. The default welcome page of the application
is a great source of information for a beginner, and it is recommended that you read it.
The run command creates the structure of the application inside the helloworld directory. The
structure is illustrated in Figure 8-10 .
Figure 8-10. The directory structure of the helloworld application
Each folder in Figure 8-10 is described here:
app : This is the root of all the server-side source files such as Java and Scala
source code, templates, and compiled assets' sources. At creation, only two
subfolders will be created: controllers and views for the controller and view
components, respectively, of the MVC architectural pattern. You can add the
directory app/models for the model component of the MVC. There is also an
optional directory called app/assets for compiled assets such as LESS 5 sources
and CoffeeScript 6 sources.
conf : The conf directory contains the application's configuration files meant to
configure the application itself, external services, and so on. There are two main
configuration files:
application.conf : The main configuration file for the application, which contains
standard configuration parameters
routes : The routes definition file
project : The project folder is meant to contain all of the necessary files to
configure the Scala build tool SBT. 7
public : This directory contains three standard subdirectories for images, CSS
style sheets, and JavaScript files.
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