Java Reference
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Listing 7-12. Command for generating the application through static scaffolding
>grails generate-all bookstore.Book
Once you run this command from the command line or GGTS, Grails generates the application as
shown in the following output:
Loading Grails 2.2.4
| Configuring classpath.
| Environment set to development.....
| Packaging Grails application.....
| Packaging Grails application.....
| Generating views for domain class bookstore.Book
| Generating controller for domain class bookstore.Book
| Finished generation for domain class bookstore.Book
If we run the application now, we will have a complete CRUD application. This generate-all
command generates one controller ( BookController ) and four views for our domain class Book and
generates one unit test for our controller, BookControllerTest . These files, which give us a complete
CRUD application, serve as stubs to which we can add custom code. Let's take a closer look at the
code we've generated. We begin with the BookController illustrated in Figure 7-28 .
Figure 7-28. BookController
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