Java Reference
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This will start an embedded server on port 8080 that hosts your application. You should now be able
to access your application at the URL http://localhost:8080/helloworld/ . The result will look like
Figure 7-3 .
Figure 7-3. Welcome screen of Grails
This is the Grails introduction page that is rendered by the grails-app/view/index.gsp file. It detects
the presence of your controllers and provides links to them. Click the HelloController link to see our
custom page containing the text “Hello World.” You have your first working Grails application.
Note In Figure 7-3 there is a link to the Dbdoc controller. Clicking this link will produce an error message,
as the controller is not implemented. The purpose of the DbdocController is to generate static HTML
files to view change log information. You can enable it from conf/Config.groovy by setting
dbDocController.enabled = true
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