Java Reference
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27."Welcome home! The client locale is {}.", locale);
29. Date date = new Date();
30. DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG,
DateFormat.LONG, locale);
32. String formattedDate = dateFormat.format(date);
34. model.addAttribute("serverTime", formattedDate );
36. return "home";
37. }
39. }
Line 17 : The @Controller annotation is used to specify that this class is a Spring
controller. DispatcherServlet scans such annotated classes for mapped handler
methods by means of @RequestMapping annotations.
Line 25 : The @RequestMapping annotation specifies that the home() method will
handle a GET request with the URL / (the default page of the application).
Line 26 to 37 : The home() method creates a String object to hold the current
date based on the current locale and adds this object to the model with the
name serverTme . And finally the method returns a view named home , which will
be resolved by the view resolver specified in the servlet-context.xml file, to
find the actual view file. In one controller class, we can write many methods to
handle different URLs.
@Controller and @RequestMapping and a number of other annotations form the basis for the Spring
MVC implementation. To define a controller class in Spring 3.0 and newer, you have to mark the
class with the @Controller annotation. When an @Controller -annotated class receives a request,
it looks for an appropriate handler method to handle the request. Each method to which the request
is to be mapped is decorated with the @RequestMapping annotation, making the method a handler
method to which the request is mapped by means of handler mappings.
As you saw in Listing 5-38, the home() method in HomeController returns a view named home , which
is resolved by the view resolver specified in servlet-context.xml . Now it is time to look at the view,
which is the home.jsp file generated in the /WEB-INF/views directory. Listing 5-39 illustrates home.jsp .
Listing 5-39. home.jsp of the Hello World Application
1. <%@ taglib uri=" " prefix="c" %>
2. <%@ page session="false" %>
3. <html>
4. <head>
5. <title>Home</title>
6. </head>
7. <body>
8. <h1>
9. Hello world!
10. </h1>
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