Java Reference
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Listing 5-31. Configuring ContextLoaderListener in web.xml
By default, ContextLoaderListener loads the application context file stored in your WEB-INF directory.
This location can be overridden by defining the contextConfigLocation context parameter in
web.xml , as shown in Listing 5-32.
Listing 5-32. File Locations Using the contextConfigLocation Parameter
At this point, the configuration of WebApplicationContext in web.xml looks like Listing 5-33.
Listing 5-33. Web.xml with ContextLoaderListener and contextConfigLocation
Note ContextLoaderListener by default looks for a /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml file if
you do not specify a <context-param> named contextConfigLocation .
Now that you know how to configure WebApplicationContext in a web application, we can move on
to the second object, DispatcherServlet , that is configured in the web.xml file.
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