Java Reference
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13. <bean id="bookService" class="com.apress.aop.BookServiceImpl"/>
15. <bean id="logAspect" class="com.apress.aop.LoggingAspect"/>
17. <aop:config>
18. <aop:aspect ref = "logAspect">
19. <aop:pointcut id = "log"
20. expression="execution(* *.getAllBooks())" />
21. <aop:before pointcut-ref = "log"
22. method="logBefore" />
23. <aop:after pointcut-ref = "log"
24. method="logAfter" />
25. </aop:aspect>
26. </aop:config>
27. </beans>
Lines 9 to 10 : You use Spring's aop configuration namespace to declare that the
LoggingAspect bean is an aspect.
Line 15 : You declare the LoggingAspect as a bean. Even if the Spring Framework
transforms a POJO to an aspect by declaring it as an aspect in the context, it
still has to be declared as a Spring <bean> .
Line 18 : Then you refer to that bean in the <aop:aspect> element.
Lines 19 to 20 : The pointcut is defined in the preceding <pointcut> element with
an expression attribute set to select where the advice should be applied. The
expression syntax is AspectJ's pointcut expression language.
Lines 21 to 22 : You declare (using <aop:before> ) that before the getAllBooks()
method is executed, the LoggingAspect 's logBefore method should be called.
This is called before advice . The pointcut-ref attribute refers to a pointcut
named log .
Lines 23 to 24 : You (using <aop:after> ) declare that the logAfter method should
be called after getAllBooks() has executed. This is known as after advice . The
pointcut-ref attribute refers to a pointcut named log .
Listing 5-22 illustrates the stand-alone Java application.
Listing 5-22. Stand-Alone Java Application
1. package com.apress.aop;
2. import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
3. import;
5. public class Driver {
7. public static void main(String...args){
8. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
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