Java Reference
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Table 3-12. <c:catch> Attributes
Name of the exported scoped variable for the exception
thrown from a nested action.
The <c:catch> action can handle errors from any action by nesting those actions within <c:catch> .
When an exception is thrown, it is stored in a page-scoped variable that is identified by the var
attribute of the tag. Listing 3-44 illustrates the usage of <c:catch> .
Listing 3-44. Using <c:catch>
<c:catch var = "exception">
<% int i = 1/0;%>
<c:if test = "${exception != null}">
<span> Exception : ${exception}</span>
Here's the output:
Exception : java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
The conditional tags provided by the JSTL core tag library provide an alternative to using scriptlets
for generating dynamic content based on conditions. Table 3-13 describes the actions in this
functional area.
Table 3-13. Conditional Actions in the Core Tag Library
Evaluates its body content if the expression specified with the test attribute is true
Provides the context for mutually exclusive conditional execution
Represents an alternative within a <c:choose> action
Represents the last alternative within a <c:choose> action
The <c:if>Action
The <c:if> action is used for conditional processing and evaluates an expression, displaying its
body content only if the expression evaluates to true .
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