Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 3-42 illustrates how to set bean properties using <c:set> .
Listing 3-42. Setting the bean property using the <c:set> Tag
<c:set target="book" property="book.title" value="Learning Java Web">
Listing 3-42 sets the title property of a bean named book to Learning Java Web . This is equivalent
to book.setTitle("Learning Java Web"); .
The <c:remove>Action
The <c:remove> action removes a variable from a specific scope. The variables set by <c:set> in any
of the scopes can be removed using the <c:remove> action by specifying the variable name in the
var attribute and the scope attribute.
Here's the syntax:
<c:remove var="varName"[scope="{page|request|session|application}"]/>
Table 3-11 describes the attributes of the <c:remove> action.
Table 3-11. <c:remove> Attributes
Name of the scoped variable to be removed
Scope for var
Listing 3-43 illustrates the simple usage of <c:remove> .
Listing 3-43. Using <c:remove>
<c:remove var=" helloVar " />
The <c:catch> Action
The <c:catch> action provides a way to catch java.lang.Throwable exceptions that are thrown by
any nested actions. This action has a single var attribute that holds a reference to any java.lang.
Throwable exceptions that occur during the execution of any of the nested actions.
Here is the syntax:
<c:catch [var="varName"]>
...nested actions in the body...
Table 3-12 describes the attribute of the <c:catch> action.
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