Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The <c:set>Action
The JSTL set tag or the <c:set> action sets the value of a scoped variable or a property of a target
object. The <c:set> action is a better alternative to using the <jsp:setProperty> JSP action. Unlike
<jsp:setProperty> , which allows you to set only the bean property, the <c:set> tag can do the following:
Set bean properties
Set Map values
Table 3-10 describes the attributes of the <c:set> action.
Create scoped variables on the page, request, session, or application scope
Table 3-10. <c:set>Attributes
Expression to be evaluated.
Name of the exported scoped variable to hold the value specified in the action.
Scope for var .
Target object whose property will be set. This must evaluate to a JavaBeans object
with the setter property property or to a java.util.Map object.
Name of the property to be set in the target object.
The <c:set> tag is used to do the following:
Set the value of a scoped variable in any JSP scope.
Set a property of a specified target object. The target must evaluate to a
JavaBean or Map object.
Setting the Value of a Scoped Variable in Any JSP Scope
One of the tasks of the <c:set> action is to set variables that can be used by other actions on pages.
Here's the syntax:
<c:set value=""value""var=""varName" " [scope=""{page|request|session|application}""]/>
Listing 3-36 shows an example of using <c:set> to set the value of the scoped variable helloVar .
Listing 3-36. Using <c:set>
<c:set var="helloVar" value="hello" />
Listing 3-36 creates an attribute named helloVar with the value "hello" in the default scope, which
is page scope. You can also create attributes in another scope, say session scope; in that case, you
need to specify the scope with <c:set> attribute scope ="". Listing 3-37 creates a variable on session
scope using <c:set> .
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