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But, the good news is that your statistical analysis has conirmed that the problem
with the shipping method is probably more severe than that of the credit card issue,
despite the similar task completion rates for the two issues. You build Table 7.4 to
illustrate the added information.
You use this table near the top of your PowerPoint presentation. As usual, you
employ the “I've-got-some-good-news-and-I've-got-some-bad-news” angle. (It's
tried and true.) In broad strokes in your executive summary, your online shoppers seem
to be inding the merchandise easily and getting them fairly easily into “My Bag.” But
once they get to the shopping cart, things are falling apart. And the shipping method
problem appears to be more serious than the credit card problem. After the summary,
you then report out each usability issue associated with each task, using screen shots,
severity scales, and recommendations. Finally, you add verbatims about each task
speciically, as well as general verbatims about all tasks. As usual, your deck swells
to over 50 pages. You cut back to 32 pages to better it in the half hour the Creative
Director will give you in front of the CEO. You're ready and conident in the results.
At 3pm Wednesday, you accompany the Creative Director into the mahogany-
lined ofice of the CEO and Milan transplant Massimo Ranieri. You have your laptop,
but you have hard copies as well; you have no idea what the projection situation will
be inside the inner sanctum. As expected, about a half hour into the meeting, the
Creative Director sets you up:
Table 7.4 Table 7.2 Including Statistical Conclusions
Average Agreement with Ease-of-
Use Statement: “It's Easy to….”
(all four averages in this column
are concluded to be signiicantly
different from each other; i.e., they
are all different from one another,
beyond a reasonable doubt)
(out of 10
Task #
Verbatim Task
Find the right size
for a Valentino pink
pleated dress.
Save the
Valentino pink
pleated dress to
“My Bag.”
Enter your credit
card information
for purchase of
the Valentino pink
pleated dress.
Choose your
preferred shipping
method for the Val-
entino pink pleated
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