Geology Reference
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Group, is post-Sturtian in age and correlated with the Haut-
Shiloango Subgroup (Daly et al. 1992 ; Trompette 1994 ).
The lack of time constraints makes it difficult to establish
detailed stratigraphic correlations. Nonetheless, on the basis
of the lithological evidences and the stratigraphic position of
the Lower Diamictite Formation from the CAR, the Ituri
Group can be correlated with the Bougboulou and Kemb ´ -
Nakando series. The Akwokwo Tillite is correlated with the
Sturtian-equivalent Lower Diamictite Formation (Poidevin
2007 ). However, recent lithological observations show that
cap carbonates are ubiquous of the post-Marinoan event,
except for the Grand Conglom´rat Formation (Master and
Wendorff 2011 ). Accepting the
AbdelsalamMG, Li´geois JP, Stern RJ (2002) The Saharan Metacraton.
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Belge, Sciences Naturelles et M´dicales, in-8 , t. XVIII, fasc. 4,
Alkmim FF, Marshak S, Pedrosa-Soares AC, Peres GG, Pereira Cruz
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Alkmim FF, Pedrosa-Soares AC, Noce CM, Cruz SCP (2007) Sobre a
with a synchronous deposition of diamictites, the Niari
Tillite, Upper Diamictite, Akwokwo Tillite, Bondo Tillite,
and Petit Conglom´rat Formation are coeval in age (Tait
et al. 2011 ). All post-Marinoan sedimentary rocks are poorly
constrained in Central Africa. However, the carbonate
successions are comparable in terms of paleoenvironments
and C-isotopic trends, and are thus likely to have been
deposited between 635 Ma and 580 Ma (Frimmel et al.
2006 ; Poidevin 2007 ; Straathof 2011 ). Nevertheless, Caron
et al. ( 2010 ) estimated that a minimum age for the succes-
sion is 580 Ma in the Upper Dja series. Poidevin ( 2007 ) and
Tait et al. ( 2011 ) concluded that the Upper Bakouma Series
is correlated with the Aruwimi Group and the Mpioka (Sub-)
Group of the West Congo Supergroup. Finally, the Inkisi
Group, with a maximum depositional late Neoproterozoic
age, is correlated with the Banalia and Biano groups.
Snowball Earth hypothesis
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Coloniale de Paris 38:160-164
Barron JW, Broughton DW, Armstrong RA, Hitzman MW (2003)
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area, northwestern Zambia. In: Contributions presented at the 3 rd
IGCP-450 Conference, Proterozoic Sediment-hosted Base Metal
Deposits of Western Gondwana; Conference and Field Workshop
Lubumbashi 2003, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo,
pp 75-77
Batumike JM, Griffin WL, O
Based on the present knowledge of the Neoproterozoic
basinal litho-stratigraphy exposed along the margins of
the Congo Shield, an attempt of chronostratigraphic
correlations has been established between the isolated
basins in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and
neighboring countries. We conclude that: (i) the lithostra-
tigraphy of each sedimentary basin may be used for
intrabasinal and interregional correlations; (ii) all the
Supergroups may be potentially broadly synchronous
based on widespread climatic markers, represented by
glacial deposits. However, such correlations remain inad-
equate because of the lack of precise such as biostratigra-
phy, sequence stratigraphy, and palaeomagnetism. New
chemostratigraphic and geochronological data for the
Neoproterozoic sedimentary series of Central Africa are
thus sorely needed.
Reilly SY, Belousova EA, Pawlitschek M
(2009) Crustal evolution in the central Congo-Kasa¨ Craton, Luebo,
D.R. Congo: insights from zircon U-Pb ages, Hf-isotope and trace-
element data. Precambrian Res 170:107-115
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de Tchibanga. Rapport du Bureau de Recherches G ´ ologiques et
Mini ` res 81 LIB 004
Begg GC, Griffin WL, Natapov LM, O ' Reilly SY, Grand SP, O ' Neill
CJ, Hronsky JMA, Poudjom Djomani Y, Swain CJ, Deen T,
Bowden P (2009) The lithospheric architecture of Africa: Seismic
tomography, mantle petrology, and tectonic evolution. Geosphere
Bertrand-Sarfati J (1972) Stromatolites columnaires de certaines
formations carbonat´es du Pr´cambrien sup´rieur du bassin
congolais (Bushimay, Lindien, Ouest-Congolien). Annales du
Mus´e Royal de l
Acknowledgments The manuscript has been greatly improved fol-
lowing reviews and suggestions of H Frimmel and M. de Wit. We
would like to thank M. Rottesman for her critical encouragement.
Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgique, S´rie in-
8-n 74, 45 pp
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