Geology Reference
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Fig. 17.9 Tshibwe pipe, topographic contour map of crater walls as deduced from drilling, and longitudinal profile (redrawn from Fieremans and
Fieremans 1993 )
corresponds to lithospheric extension associated with the
southward propagation of the East African Rift
During the past century, the DRC (alternate historic
names Congo Belge, Zaire, Congo) has produced over
1,000 Mcts of diamonds, from alluvial and kimberlite
mining operations. Sixty-six kimberlites have been dis-
covered since 1946, with economic pipes restricted to the
Kasai region, where most of the alluvial mining
operations have also taken place. Published age
constraints on the kimberlites show Late Cretaceous
ages for the Mbuji Mayi kimberlites (~70 Ma) and
Eocene ages for the Kundelungu kimberlites (~32 Ma).
Emplacement of the Late Cretaceous kimberlites (Mbuji
Mayi, Tshibwe, Kasendou and Lukashi) was concomitant
with the deposition of Cretaceous sequences. The major-
ity of the pipes show crater-facies preservation and some
of the pipes are flared showing so-called
Acknowledgements We express our gratitude to Marc Fieremans and
Paul Kabongo (MIBA) for their hospitality during a mine visit in 2006
and discussions on the geology of the Mbuji Mayi kimberlites. Reviews
by John Gurney and Mike Lynn are gratefully acknowledged.
African Diamonds plc (2009) Annual report and accounts 2008.
London, pp 17-18
Bardet MG (1974) G´ologie du Diamant. Deuxi`me partie: Gisements
du diamant d'Afrique. M´moires du BRGM, 83/3:106-128, Paris
Batumike JM, O
Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Belousova EA (2007) U-Pb
and Hf-isotope analysis of zircons from the Kundelungu kimberlites
DR Congo: implications for crustal evolution. Precambrian Res
Batumike JM, Griffin WL, Belousova EA, Pearson NJ, O
morphologies, suggesting emplacement
into unconsolidated sediments overlying basement. The
age of the Eocene-Oligocene Kundelungu kimberlites
Reilly SY,
Shee SR (2008) LAM-ICPMS U-Pb dating of kimberlitic
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