Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 17.3 Kimberlites of the Kasendou Cluster within the Kabinda Field (after Walker 2011 )
Fig. 17.4 Overview of the mining area and kimberlite
at Mbuji Mayi. The location of the
within the larger Mbuji Mayi
Kimberlite Field is shown in Fig. 17.5
This is also indicated by the interconnection and
superimposition of some of the eruptive phases, with
magmatism migrating from west to east from Massif-4 to
Massif-2 (Fig. 17.7 ).
The majority of the Mbuji Mayi kimberlites have been
evaluated to various degrees of confidence (Table 17.1 ) and
mining has taken place predominantly within weathered ore
horizons; Massifs-2 and -3 which share a common feeder
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