Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
9. The Cameroon Volcanic Line and the Virunga-Bukavu
Volcanic Province represent contemporaneous dome
formation (Cameroon Highlands and Mitumba-Virunga
Highs) that were initiated during the Middle Eocene
(45-47 Ma).
10. The present-day CB results from a differential uplift,
low (200-300 m) in the CB and higher in the
surrounding areas. From Middle Eocene times onward,
the CB has not subsided. These results do not support
dynamic topographic models predicting a collapse of the
CB after 45 Ma (e.g. Moucha and Forte 2011 ).
This study is a new modern attempt at mapping the
landforms of central Africa. Although we are forced to
simplify our interpretation of many areas that in details
have much more complex relief patterns. More detailed
regional studies are now required to tease out greater
complexities and to further improve our knowledge of the
landforms and associated weatherings, integrated with more
precise ages, with which to test our model of landforms
evolution of the CB and surroundings.
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, funded by the French National Research Agency
(ANR) (managed by F. Guillocheau, G´osciences-Rennes) and
Khure Africa
, a South African French Earth System Sciences project,
with funding from the South African National Research Foundation and
the department of Science and Technology (managed by Maarten J. de
Wit, at that time UCT, Cape Town and Vincent Courtillot, IPGP, Paris).
We are very grateful to Dominique Chardon for the detailed critical
significantly improved an early version of
We would like to thank the colleagues of the Royal Museum of
Central Africa (Tervuren, Belgium), Max Fernandez-Alonso, Luc Tack
and Damien Delvaux de Fenffe for their help.
We would like to thank Maarten J. de Wit (AEON, NMMU, Port
Elizabeth) for his help, his enthusiasm, his friendship and for editing
several versions of the manuscript.
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