Geology Reference
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Appendix 3: Calculation of R o
The calculation of R o is similar to previous studies based on
the transformation rate of vitrinite (Burnham and Sweeney
1989 ; Ungerer 1990 ); it is assumed that the vitrinite trans-
formation can be described by a set of N independent
Arrhenius first-order kinetic reactions:
x i t
dx i
dt ¼
E i
RT abs
A i exp
dx i
dt is the rate of the i th reaction, A i the Arrhenius
frequency factor ( s 1 ), E i the activation energy (kcal/mole),
R the gas constant (0.001987 kcal/mole K), T abs the absolute
temperature and x i the initial hydrocarbon potential for the i t
h reaction (mg hydrocarbon/TOC). x i ( t ) can be determined
by integration of the previous equation:
RT abs
RT 0 abs
T 2 exp E i
T 0 exp E i
x i t
ðÞ ¼
x i tðÞ
A i R
E i T T 0
tt 0
We have used a spectrum of 15 reactions (46-74 kJ) to
determine the transformation rate of vitrinite and then an
empirical relationship for the conversion to R o . The effect of
pressure, which tends to decrease the R o value for a given
heating rate (Carr 1999 ), has not been included.
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