Geology Reference
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this 300 m to 1,000 m thick succession includes an Upper
Jurassic, shallow marine to fluvial sequence (the
Stanleyville Group), in turn overlain by an Upper Jurassic
to Lower Cretaceous aeolian sequence (the Dekese Forma-
tion), recording a first cycle of basin expansion, emersion
and desertification. U-Pb geochronology using detrital
zircons collected from this aeolian sequence reveals abun-
dant late Mesoproterozoic (1 Ga) and late Neoproterozoic
(550-850 Ma) source areas of Pan African terrains to the
CB. In addition, the occurrence of Paleozoic (ca. 430 Ma
and 290 Ma) and Mesozoic zircons (ca. 240 Ma and
190 Ma) attests to the emergence of new different sources,
most likely derived from the proto-Andes, located ca.
5,000 km to the south of the CB in a Gondwana setting
(Fig. 8.18 ). In the CB, the three overlying middle and
Upper Cretaceous, lacustrine to progressively more fluvial
sequences (the Loia, Bokungu and Upper Kwango Groups)
record a second major cycle of basin expansion and con-
traction, terminated by a regional peneplanation surface
overlain by calcretized and silcretized sands and alluviums
of the Kalahari Group.
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Acknowledgments We acknowledge funding through the Inkaba
yeAfrica and !Khure Africa programs, supported by the DST/NRF of
South Africa. B. Linol particularly thanks Edmond Thorose from BRC
DiamondCore Ltd. for his guidance in the field in southwestern DRC,
and Ariel Boven at the RMCA—Royal Museum of Central Africa in
Belgium for his help in accessing the archived cores. We also thank
Anthony Tankard and an anonymous referee for reviews that improved
this chapter. This AEON contribution number 128 and Inkaba yeAfrica
number 98.
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