Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
One final note before we get going: Almost everything we talk about in this topic assumes
that you are playing in Creative Mode. This is because the builds take very, very many
items of different types, and while you might have them in your Survival World, they will
be pretty expensive. Additionally, Creative Mode allows you to fly and to turn off hostile
mobs, allowing you to be able to learn in peace. We can't suggest doing this enough to
learn Redstone's rules. Additionally, this topic is primarily focused on the full version of
Minecraft as it is on the PC and Mac. This is because the console versions do not contain
all Redstone items quite yet, but they are being updated frequently. If you are playing on a
console, you'll have to wait to try some of these concepts until the updates happen, but the
basic rules and many of the builds are still the same and will work.
With that in mind, let's get into this!
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