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Since under our conditions the doubling time of the cells is 10-12 h, it is quite likely that
recovery of phycobilisome function requires the development of new cells, via cell
division. Comparison of PSII and phycobilisomes provides an interesting example for a
highly UV-sensitive, but well repaired component in contrast to a low sensitivity, but
inefficiently repaired component.
6. Concluding remarks
Our results clearly demonstrate that PSII is a highly UV-sensitive component of the
photosynthetic apparatus. However, due to its very efficient repair system, PSII damage
becomes limiting for gross photosynthesis only when the repair capacity of the cells is
slowed down by other environmental factors, such as low temperatures, high intensity
visible light, drought, etc. Therefore, in plants exposed to UV-B radiation under additional
environmental stress conditions, which retard the repair of PSII, inhibited electron flow
from PSII can be limiting for the production of ATP and NADPH required for the Calvin
cycle, and consequently for the overall photosynthetic process.
Acknowledgement. This work was supported by grants from the Hungarian Granting
Agency OTKA (T 034321, T 030592)
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