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256. M. Montagnuolo, A. Messina.: Parallel neural networks for multimodal video genre classifi-
cation. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 41, no. 1, 125-159 (2009)
257. A. Ekin, A. M. Teklap, R. Mehrotra.: Automatic soccer video analysis and summarization.
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 12, no. 7, 796-807 (2003)
258. Y. Jiang, J. Yang, C. Ngo, A. Hauptmann.: Representations of keypoint-based semantic
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259. D. Lowe.: Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints. Int. J. of computer
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260. J. Philbin, O. Chum, M. Isard, J. Sivic, A. Zisserman.: Object retrieval with large vocabularies
and fast spatial matching. Proc. IEEE CVPR, vol. 3613, 1575-1589 (2007)
261. J. Yang, Y. Jiang, A. Hauptmann, C. Ngo.: Evaluating bag-of-visual-words representations in
scene classification. Proc. ACM MIR, 197-206 (2007)
262. S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, J. Ponce.: Beyond Bags of Features: Spatial Pyramid Matching for
Recognizing Natural Scene Categories. Proc. IEEE CVPR, vol. 2, 2169-2178 (2006)
263. J. Zhang, M. Marszalek, S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid.: Local features and kernels for classification
of texture and object categories: A comprehensive study. Int. J. of Computer Vision. vol. 73,
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264. J. Sivic, A. Zisserman.: Video Google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos.
Proc. ICCV. vol. 2, 1470-1477 (2003)
265. L. Li, N. Zhang, L. Duan, Q. Huang, J. Du, L. Guan.: Automatic sports genre categorization
and view-type classification over large-scale dataset. Proc. ACM MM, 653-656 (2009)
266. G. Lavee, E. Rivlin, M. Rudzsky.: Understanding video events: A survey of methods for
automatic interpretation of semantic occurrences in video. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man,
Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, vol. 39, no. 5, 489-504 (2009)
267. D. Sadlier, N. O'Connor.: Event detection in field sports video using audio-visual features
and a support vector machine. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
vol. 15, no. 10, 1225-1233 (2005)
268. M. Xu, L. Duan, C. Xu, Q. Tian.: A fusion scheme of visual and auditory modalities for event
detection in sports video. Proc. IEEE ICASSP, vol. 3, 189-192 (2003)
269. Q. Ye, Q. Huang, W. Gao, S. Jiang.: Exciting event detection in broadcast soccer video with
mid-level description and incremental learning. Proc. ACM MM, 455-458 (2005)
270. L. Li, Y. Chen, W. Hu, W. Li, X. Zhang.: Recognition of Semantic Basketball Events Based
on Optical Flow Patterns. Proc. ISVC, 480-488 (2009)
271. N. Babaguchi, Y. Kawai, T. Kitahashi.: Event based indexing of broadcasted sports video by
intermodal collaboration. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. vol. 4, no. 1, 68-75 (2002)
272. D. Zhang, S. Chang.: Event detection in baseball video using superimposed caption recogni-
tion. Proc. ACM MM, 315-318 (2002)
273. L. Duan, M. Xu, T. Chua, Q. Tian, C. Xu.: A mid-level representation framework for semantic
sports video analysis. Proc. ACM MM, 33-44 (2003)
274. M. Tien, Y. Wang, C. Chou, K. Hsieh, W. Chu, J. Wu.: Event detection in tennis matches
based on video data mining. Proc. IEEE ICME, 1477-1480 (2008)
275. Y. Zhang, C. Xu, Y. Rui, J. Wang, H. Lu.: Semantic event extraction from basketball games
using multi-modal analysis. Proc. IEEE ICME, 2190-2193 (2007)
276. X. Tong, H. Lu, Q. Liu.: A three-layer event detection framework and its application in soccer
video. Proc. IEEE ICME, 1551-1554 (2004)
277. T. Mei and X. Hua.: Structure and event mining in sports video with efficient mosaic.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 40, no. 1, 89-110 (2008)
278. T. Wang, J. Li, Q. Diao, W. Hu, Y. Zhang, C. Dulong.: Semantic event detection using
conditional random fields. Proc. IEEE CVPRW, 109-114 (2006)
279. C. Xu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhu, Y. Rui, H. Lu, Q. Huang.: Using webcast text for semantic event
detection in broadcast sports video. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol. 10, no. 7, 1342-1355
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