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Fig. 7.5 Top five retrievals ( b )-( f ) answering to a query clip that contains two video shots ( a ),
using the group-to-group querying method. Note that the first ranked video is the query itself. All
of the retrieved clips are originally from the same story
This section introduces a novel way to implement Graph Cut for video object
segmentation with shape information. Graph Cut is a very efficient algorithm for
image segmentation, whereas Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) is useful
in detecting humans. The HOG feature is combined to incorporate a shape prior
into the Graph Cut algorithm as a new way to enhance video object segmentation
Graph Cut methods were applied for image and video segmentation. For image
segmentation [ 192 ], a 2-D graph is constructed from the image color information,
with each pixel representing a node in the graph. The nodes are connected by arcs or
edges that represent the energy cost for cutting that edge. This is the pairwise energy,
commonly assigned a cost relative to the intensity difference between adjacent pairs
of pixels. For video object segmentation, the structure of Graph Cut is conducted as
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