Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 1
The ever-increasing volume of multimedia data being generated in the world has led
to much research interest in multimedia database retrieval since the early years of the
twentieth century. Computer vision and machine learning technologies have been
developed, forming a solid research foundation for the creation of stage-of-the-art
applications, such as MPEG-7, interactive multimedia retrieval, multimodal fusion,
annotation, and database re-ranking. The time has come to explore the consequences
of these multimedia applications. Multimedia Database Retrieval: Technology and
Application is an application-oriented topic, borne out of established researchers in
this emerging field. It covers the latest developments and important applications in
multimedia database technology, and offers a glimpse of future technologies. With
a strong focus on industrial applications along with an overview of research topics,
Multimedia Database Retrieval: Technology and Application is an indispensable
guide for all engineers and researchers involved in the development and use of state-
of-the-art systems in the multimedia industry. It serves as an invaluable reference for
multimedia database technologies involving large scale image and video databases;
interactive search and recognition technologies on mobile and on distributed and
cloud databases; news video, sports video, and film; forensic image databases; and
gesture databases of advanced motion training in virtual reality systems.
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