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Theodore (Ted) Berg.
(Source: MCM News 1, no.
1 [1975].)
capable of delivering a new generation of competitive products
to expand the company's share of the small business computer
market. The company's managing director, Bruce Wallace, had
neither the entrepreneurial experience, knowledge, nor leader-
ship skills to lead MCM . It was not until May 1975 that MCM 's
presidency was offered to Theodore (Ted) Berg.
President Berg
Before joining MCM , Ted Berg was a vice-president of ILC Data
Device Corporation ( DDC ) of Hicksville, New York, a company
specializing in data interface products. In early 1974, MCM ap-
pointed DDC as the exclusive distributor of MCM computers
to scientific and technical markets in the United States. Berg
was directly involved in the MCM partnership and was one of
a very few individuals outside MCM with a solid knowledge of
the MCM /70 project and a fair understanding of the difficulties
that MCM was facing. Already in July 1974, Berg had offered
to help MCM to overcome its organizational difficulties and to
salvage the MCM /70. In spite of the high “mortality rate” of
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