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This would initialize the fields to 0 , but it is better to do so explicitly, like this:
votes.valid = votes.spoilt = 0;
When we read a valid vote, ++votes.valid adds 1 to votes.valid , and when we read an invalid vote, ++votes.
spoilt adds 1 to votes.spoilt . At the end, the function will return votes — an object containing the two counts.
Finally, we must write printResults , which prints the results in the format specified earlier. First we print the
total number of votes broken down into valid and spoiled votes. Then, using a for loop, we print the individual scores.
Next, it determines the winning score by calling getLargest to find the candidate whose numVotes field is the
largest. This is accomplished by these statements:
int win = getLargest(list, 1, MaxCandidates);
int winningVote = list[win].numVotes;
Here, list is the Person array. Using winningVote , it then makes another pass through the array looking for
candidates with this score. This ensures that if there are ties for the winner, all will be printed. Program P2.5 is the
complete solution for solving this voting problem.
Program P2.5
import java.util.*;
public class Voting {
final static int MaxCandidates = 7;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileReader("votes.txt"));
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("results.txt"));
Person[] candidate = new Person[MaxCandidates+1];
//get the names and set the scores to 0
for (int h = 1; h <= MaxCandidates; h++)
candidate[h] = new Person(in.nextLine(), 0);
VoteCount count = processVotes(candidate, MaxCandidates, in, out);
printResults(out, candidate, MaxCandidates, count);
} //end main
public static VoteCount processVotes(Person[] list, int max, Scanner in, PrintWriter out) {
VoteCount votes = new VoteCount(0, 0); //set valid, spoilt counts to 0
int v = in.nextInt();
while (v != 0) {
if (v < 1 || v > max) {
out.printf("Invalid vote: %d\n", v);
else {
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