Java Reference
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In Java, every object belongs to some class and can be created from the class definition only. Consider the
following (partial) definition of the class Book :
public class Book {
private static double Discount = 0.25; //class variable
private static int MinBooks = 5; //class variable
private String author; // instance variable
private String title; // instance variable
private double price; // instance variable
private int pages; // instance variable
private char binding; // instance variable
private boolean inStock; // instance variable
// methods to manipulate book data go here
} //end class Book
The class header (the first line) consists of the following:
access modifier ; public is used in the example and will be used for most of our
classes. Essentially it means that the class is available for use by any other class; it can also be
extended to create subclasses. Other access modifiers are abstract and final ; we won't deal
with those in this topic.
An optional
class .
The keyword
Book is used in the example.
A user identifier for the name of the class;
The braces enclose the body of the class. In general, the body will include the declaration of the following:
Static variables (class variables); there will be one copy for the entire class—all objects will
share that one copy. A class variable is declared using the word static . If we omit the word
static , the variable is instance .
Non-static variables (instance variables); each object created will have its own copy. It's the
instance variables that comprise the data for an object.
Static methods (class methods); these are loaded once when the class is loaded and can be
used without creating any objects. It makes no sense for a static method to access non-static
variables (which belong to objects), so Java forbids it.
Non-static methods (instance methods); these can be used
only via an object created from the
class. It's the non-static methods that manipulate the data (the non-static fields) in objects.
String class is predefined in Java. If word is String (a String object, to be precise) and
we write word.toLowerCase() , we are asking that the instance method toLowerCase of the
String class be applied to the String object, word . This method converts uppercase letters to
lowercase in the ( String ) object used to invoke it.
in is a Scanner object (created when we say new Scanner... ), the expression
in.nextInt() applies the instance method nextInt to the object in ; here, it reads the next
integer from the input stream associated with in .
In the Book class, we declare two class variables ( Discount and MinBooks , declared with static ) and six instance
variables; they are instance by default (the word static is omitted).
Similarly, if
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