Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
Introduction to Objects
In this chapter, we will explain the following:
What is a class, an object, a field, and a method
That an object variable does not hold an object but, rather, a pointer (or reference) to where
the object is actually located
The distinction between a class variable (also called a static variable) and an instance variable
(also called a non-static variable)
The distinction between a class method (also called a static method) and an instance method
(also called a non-static method)
What the access modifiers public, private, and protected mean
What is meant by information hiding
How to refer to class and instance variables
How to initialize class and instance variables
What is a constructor and how to write one
What is meant by overloading
What is meant by data encapsulation
How to write accessor and mutator methods
How to print an object's data in various ways
tostring() method is special in Java
Why the
What happens when we assign an object variable to another
What it means to compare one object variable with another
How to compare the contents of two objects
How a function can return more than one value using an object
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