Java Reference
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Chapter 5
In this chapter, we will explain the following:
What a recursive definition is
How to write recursive functions in Java
How to convert from decimal to binary
How to print a linked list in reverse order
How to solve Towers of Hanoi
How to write an efficient power function
How to sort using merge sort
How to use recursion to keep track of pending subproblems
How to implement backtracking using recursion by finding a path through a maze
5.1 Recursive Definition
A recursive definition is one that is defined in terms of itself. Perhaps the most common example is the factorial
function. The factorial of a non-negative integer, n (written as n !), is defined as follows:
0! = 1
n ! = n ( n - 1)!, n > 0
Here, n ! is defined in terms of ( n - 1)!, but what is ( n - 1)! exactly? To find out, we must apply the definition of
factorial! In this case, we have this:
( n - 1)! = 1, if ( n - 1) = 0
( n - 1)! = ( n - 1)( n - 2)! if ( n - 1) > 0
What is 3! now?
Since 3 > 0, it is 3×2!.
Since 2 > 0, 2! is 2×1!, and 3! becomes 3×2×1!.
Since 1 > 0, 1! is 1×0!, and 3! becomes 3×2×1×0!.Since 0! is 1, we have 3! = 3×2×1×1 = 6.
Loosely, we say that n ! is the product of all integers from 1 to n .
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