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Figure 4-3. Empty stack
The method push simply adds an item at the head of the stack and can be written as follows:
public void push(int n) {
Node p = new Node(n); = top;
top = p;
} //end push
After 36 , 15 , 52 , and 23 (in that order) have been pushed onto a stack, S , we can picture it as shown in Figure 4-4 .
S is a pointer to top , which is a pointer to the linked list of stack elements.
Figure 4-4. Stack view after pushing 36, 15, 52, and 23
To pop an item from the stack, we first check whether the stack is empty. If it is, a rogue value is returned. If not,
the item at the head of the list is returned, and the node containing the item is deleted from the list. Here is pop :
public int pop() {
if (this.empty()) return RogueValue; //a symbolic constant
int hold =;
top =;
return hold;
} //end pop
We rewrite Program P4.1 as Program P4.2. The class StackTest remains the same as before, but the class Stack
uses our new definitions of empty , push , and pop . We emphasize again that even though our implementation of the
stack has changed from using an array to using a linked list, the code that uses the stack ( main ) remains the same.
Program P4.2
import java.util.*;
public class StackTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
Stack S = new Stack();
System.out.printf("Enter some integers ending with 0\n");
int n = in.nextInt();
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