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33 with 15 ; it is bigger, so insert 33 in location 1 . This gives the following:
33 by comparing it with the numbers to its left, starting
with the nearest one. As long as key is less than num[k] , for some k , we move num[k] to
position num[k + 1] and move on to consider num[k-1] , providing it exists. If key is greater
than or equal to num[k] for some k , then key is inserted in position k+1 . Here, 33 is greater
than num[0] and so is inserted into num[1] .
We can express the logic of placing
6 th pass
num[6] , that is, 52 . This involves placing 52 so that the first seven (all) numbers are
sorted. This is done as follows:
52 in key , leaving location 6 free.
52 with 79 ; it is smaller, so move 79 to location 6 , leaving location 5 free.
52 with 65 ; it is smaller, so move 65 to location 5 , leaving location 4 free.
52 with 57 ; it is smaller, so move 57 to location 4 , leaving location 3 free.
52 with 48 ; it is bigger; so insert 52 in location 3 . This gives the following:
The array is now completely sorted.
The following is an outline of how to sort the first n elements of an array, num , using insertion sort:
for h = 1 to n - 1 do
insert num[h] among num[0] to num[h-1] so that num[0] to num[h] are sorted
Using this outline, we write the function insertionSort using the parameter list .
public static void insertionSort(int list[], int n) {
//sort list[0] to list[n-1] in ascending order
for (int h = 1; h < n; h++) {
int key = list[h];
int k = h - 1; //start comparing with previous item
while (k >= 0 && key < list[k]) {
list[k + 1] = list[k];
list[k + 1] = key;
} //end for
} //end insertionSort
The while statement is at the heart of the sort. It states that as long as we are within the array ( k >= 0 ) and
the current number ( key ) is less than the one in the array ( key < list[k] ), we move list[k] to the right
( list[k+1] = list[k] ) and move on to the next number on the left ( --k ).
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