Image Processing Reference
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FIGURE 6 A fractional code of iterative merging.
3.2.1 Step 1: Build a directed graph
A directed graph (or digraph) is a set of nodes connected by edges, where the edges have a
direction associated with them. For example, an arc ( x , y ) is considered to be directed from x to
y , and the arc ( y , x ) is the inverted link. Y is a direct successor of x , and x is a direct predecessor
of y .
, …” (Tsai fired back and stated
that Yu Chang case is not a scandal, why did you keep asking for this and why the National
Development Fund abandoned its rights repeatedly?) as an example to explain the construc-
tion process. After removing duplicate characters and replacing punctuations with new lines,
a digraph is built as Figure 7 , in which a solid line indicates the directed link and a dash line
means the inverted link.
FIGURE 7 A fraction of digraph.
3.2.2 Step 2: Calculate average distribution rate and degree to concatenate
This step is to calculate the average distribution rate (ADR or intensity) and the number of
links (degree) of a digraph. To determine whether two vertices can be concatenated, we ap-
plied the criteria listed in (1) and (2) .
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