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Table 3 Category system of the case study
Self-dependence (per-
sonal skill)
This category describes the
willingness to work autono-
mously on the learning task. The
student participates in the col-
laborative problem-solving. He
assumes responsibility for the
working process and sustains
with the task (Senatsverwaltung
f¨r Bildung Jugend und Sport
Berlin 2005 ).
1.1 Lennard and Paul start to
work on their own
1.2 If a student does not start to
work, avoidance strategies are
1.3 Lennard and Paul partici-
pate in accordance with their
individual abilities
1.4 Lennard and Paul have to be
asked to participate
1.5 Lennard and Paul indepen-
dently use the support system
1.6 The support system enables
them to continue their work a
Ideas for problem-solving
(methodological skill)
This category refers to the ideas
that Lennard and Paul contribute
self-motivated to solve the
problem. The category focuses
on the methodological skills
2004 ).
2.1 Lennard and Paul develop
ideas for an experimental
design (in a team)
2.2 The ideas are realizable,
eventually using the support
2.3 The teacher has to intervene
to avoid frustration
3.1 Lennard and Paul commu-
nicate about the topic in their
team, maybe using the support
3.2 The communication is tar-
get oriented to further develop
the process
3.3 Lennard and Paul do not
communicate about the topic
a The canceled indicators show the revision process of the analysis. These indicators were not
found in the data.
Subject-related dialogues
(social skill with refer-
ence to subject matter
This category refers to the com-
munication about the topic-
related problem-solving
conducted in a team. (Indicator
3.2 can only be coded if 3.1 has
7 Results and Discussion
To provide an overview, the following graph shows the frequency of each indicator
(see Table 3 ) being coded during the 90-minute videotaped phase “guided inquiry”
(Fig. 2 ). Multiple coding was permitted so that the figures do not add up to 100 %.
Surprisingly, the students did not use the supplied support system at all. Instead
they developed many ideas on the basis of their prior knowledge to solve the posed
question of how fish can survive in a frozen lake. In this case, Lennard was the
prime mover and contributed his relatively broad knowledge, although he usually
hesitated or even refused to work on new challenges. He decided on the following
way of approaching the posed question (Table 4 ):
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