Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Why is this important to the business?
How does the analysis support the decision-making process?
Do other groups receive the results of these analyses?
What other analyses would you like to perform?
Describe the types of requests that you have for ad hoc reports or analyses.
How do you access data for reporting and analysis today? What recom-
mendations do you have to improve data access?
How long does it take to perform these analyses?
What percentage of the time is spent gathering data? Reconciling data?
Performing analysis?
Do you have enough time to research additional questions?
If all of the data issues were resolved and everything were at your finger-
tips, what would you do?
The following analyses help support the business theme to improve
marketing effectiveness.
Promotion Planning
Study the past performance of other similar promotions. Develop a plan,
including the budget, target audience, promotion format, and the desired
response rate, increase in sales, or other result.
Promotion Performance Tracking
Once the promotion has been launched, it is important to track how things are
progressing. For a multi-week promotion, detailed, daily progress is needed to
ensure that the promotion is running smoothly across the country. Actual sales
need to be tracked and compared to the prior year and the pre-promotion
baseline. This enables adjustments to be made as necessary during the
promotion period.
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