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Fig. 2. GFAP immunohistochemistry in hippocampus of rat brain. ( a ) Micrograph (×20 magnifi cation) illustrating GFAP-IHC
in the dentate gyrus region of the hippocampus from an adult rat. GFAP-immunoreactive astrocytes ( arrows, green cells )
are clearly visible throughout the hippocampus. ( b ) Micrograph (×20 magnifi cation) demonstrating labeling of GFAP-
immunopositive astrocytes ( green ) with labeling of NeuN-immunopositive ( red ) neuronal cell bodies. Note the neuronal cell
bodies in the polymorphic layer (PoDG) and in the granular cell layer (GrDG) of the dentate gyrus ( arrow heads ). Micrographs
were provided by E.J. West of the University of California, Davis.
The author would like to acknowledge the detailed work of E.J.
West in providing micrographs used in Fig. 2 and in optimization
of tissue preparation and IHC protocols. Also, the author acknowl-
edges T.A. Niedzielko for critical reading of the manuscript.
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