Biology Reference
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Table 1
SDS-PAGE for BioRad MiniProtean gel
Stacking gel (4 mL)
Separating gel (10 mL)
30% Acrylamide mix
0.67 mL
1.7 mL
3.3 mL
4 mL
5 mL
1.5 M Tris, pH 8.8
2.5 mL
2.5 mL
2.5 mL
2.5 mL
1 M Tris, pH 6.8
0.5 mL
H 2 O
2.4 mL
5.7 mL
4.1 mL
3.4 mL
2.4 mL
10% SDS
40 mL
100 mL
100 mL
100 mL
100 mL
10% Ammonium
30 mL
50 mL
50 mL
50 mL
50 mL
3 mL
5 mL
5 mL
5 mL
5 mL
Fig. 1. Instruments and devices used for electrophoresis and Western blotting ( a ). Preparing gel for SDS-PAGE ( b ) and load-
ing of the samples into wells in the gel ( c ). The effectiveness of transfer of proteins from the gel to the membrane could be
checked by staining the membrane with Ponceau S dye ( d ). The molecular marker (M) is in the left line. The transferred
proteins were probed using antibody against hemoxygenase 1 (MW of HO-1 is ~32 kDa, e ) .
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