Biology Reference
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Differentiate the slides in the lithium carbonate solution for
30 s and in the 70% ethanol until there is a sharp contrast
between the blue of the white-matter and the colorless gray-
Counterstain in eosin for 1 min and cresyl violet for another
1 min.
Dehydrate through 95% and 100% alcohol, clear in xylene, and
mount the slides by coverslip.
For rat,
Take pictures at magnifi cation of 1.25× to see the whole brain
3.4. Photography
slice in H&E staining coronal sections with a scale bar.
Transfer pictures to computer, and save them in .tif format.
For pig,
Take pictures in the sliced brain sections with a ruler as refer-
ence by a digital camera.
Scan the Luxol fast blue stained coronal sections with the scale
Transfer pictures to computer, and save pictures in .tif format.
3.5. Measuring
Launch software (Image J, NIH), and load images.
Calibrate the distance, using the scale as a reference.
Click the freehand selection button, drag the cursor to outline
the interested area on the image, and choose Measure under
Analyze menu.
Measure bilateral caudate and ventricle size three times and get
an average size ( 1 ).
Expressed as a percentage of the ipsilateral/contralateral of
3.5.1. Caudate Atrophy
in Rats After ICH (Fig. 1 )
ventricle dilation, caudate atrophy ( 3 ).
Measure bilateral hippocampus three times and get an average
size ( 4 ).
Expressed as a percentage of the ipsilateral/contralateral of
3.5.2. Hippocampus
Swelling and Atrophy
(Fig. 2 )
swelling or atrophy.
Measure the bilateral white matter and hemisphere and multi-
plying by the thickness (8 mm) of the sections.
Measure three times and get a mean value.
3.5.3. Pig White Matter and
Hemisphere Measurement
(Fig. 3 )
Express the measurement as a percentage of the ipsilateral/
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