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5.4. Necrosis
Evidence of necrotic cell death can be found in all experimental
models of ischemia, and virtually all assessments are based on
morphological criteria. The hallmarks of necrotic cell death are
well established: loss of membrane integrity, nuclear, cytoplasmic
and organelle swelling (leading eventually to lysis), disintegration
of chromatin structure into a particulate, amorphic structures
(fl occulation), and breakdown of cytoplasmic and organelle struc-
ture and function. In addition, the release of cellular contents into
the extracellular space will invariably result in an infl ammatory
response around the site of injury.
Method . Compared to regulated forms of cell death, disruption of
the plasma membrane happens relatively early in necrosis. One
can take advantage of this through intra-cerebroventricular injec-
tion (following a time-course after the adminstration of the insult)
of membrane-impermeable dye markers such propidium iodide
(PI). Upon sacrifi ce, cells in the region of interest that are
PI-positive and negative for apoptotic (or other PCD) markers
are considered to have undergone necrosis. Another hallmark of
necrosis, lysosomal disruption, releasing organelle-specifi c contents
into the cytoplasm, is accomplished through immunological detec-
tion (via histology or Western blot) of an appropriate antigen,
such as cathepsin b. Release of this protease will produce a unique
50-kD cleavage product of PARP-1.
Caveats . There have been a few reports of lysosomal disruption as
a consequence of PCD, including apoptosis.
1. Garnier P, Prigent-Tessier A, Van Hoecke M,
Bertrand N, Demougeot C, Sordet O, Swanson
RA, Marie C, Beley A (2004) Hypoxia induces
caspase-9 and caspase-3 activation without neu-
ronal death in gerbil brains. Eur J Neurosci
2. Zhivotovsky B (2004) Apoptosis, necrosis and
between. Cell Cycle 3:64-66
3. Xiao AY, Wei L, Xia S, Rothman S, Yu SP (2002)
Ionic mechanism of ouabain-induced concur-
rent apoptosis and necrosis in individual cultured
cortical neurons. J Neurosci 22:1350-1362
4. Wei L, Ying DJ, Cui L, Langsdorf J, Yu SP
(2004) Necrosis, apoptosis and hybrid death in
the cortex and thalamus after barrel cortex isch-
emia in rats. Brain Res 1022:54-61
5. Wang XQ, Xiao AY, Yang A, LaRose L, Wei L,
Yu SP (2003) Block of Na+, K+−ATPase and
induction of hybrid death by 4-aminopyridine
in cultured cortical neurons. J Pharmacol Exp
Ther 305:502-506
6. Wei L, Han BH, Li Y, Keogh CL, Holtzman
DM, Yu SP (2006) Cell death mechanism and
protective effect of erythropoietin after focal
ischemia in the whisker-barrel cortex of neonatal
rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 317:109-116
7. Yakovlev AG, Faden AI (2004) Mechanisms of
neural cell death: implications for development
of neuroprotective treatment strategies.
NeuroRx 1:5-16
8. Nicotera P, Melino G (2004) Regulation of
the apoptosis-necrosis switch. Oncogene 23:
9. Zeiss CJ (2003) The apoptosis-necrosis con-
tinuum: insights from genetically altered mice.
Vet Pathol 40:481-495
10. Formigli L, Papucci L, Tani A, Schiavone N,
Tempestini A, Orlandini GE, Capaccioli S,
Orlandini SZ (2000) Aponecrosis: morphologi-
cal and biochemical exploration of a syncretic
process of cell death sharing apoptosis and
necrosis. J Cell Physiol 182:41-49
11. Lemasters JJ (1999) V. Necrapoptosis and the
mitochondrial permeability transition: shared
pathways to necrosis and apoptosis. Am J Physiol
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